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Bath and Wells MAT

Vision & Values


Our Vision

‘Let Your Light Shine’

Matthew 5:16

In our school we aim for our Christian vision and values to permeate all aspects of school life. We have high expectations at Christ Church with regards to manners, behaviour, respectfulness, and attendance. Everyone should feel valued safe and secure. We want everyone at Christ Church to be a shining example of Jesus’ love and kindness through what they do for themselves, their families, and the community both locally and globally. We are an inclusive Christian learning community where everyone is welcome and valued, and all are inspired to be the best they can be. We want all children to thrive and flourish in every way, developing a love of learning, discovering their unique strengths and talents, and growing in character and confidence so that their light shines brightly for all to see.


‘At Christ Church we nurture and encourage one another to shine so we become the best version of ourselves’.


Our Six core Values:

  • Kindness
  • Courage
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Perseverance
  • Forgiveness


Our Community aims:

  • To promote respect and understanding for all
  • To encourage each other
  • To reach our potential
  • To celebrate our differences
  • To develop resilience
  • To inspire
  • To foster creativity
  • To develop a sense of empathy
  • To build strong relationships within our school community
  • To engage with the world beyond our school