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Bath and Wells MAT

Term Dates


term dates and holidays 2024 25 with inset box.pdf


 Diary Dates


Wednesday 6th November 24: Amber Class Trip to Carymoor

Friday 8th November 24: 'Coffee with the Heads' 9am. All parents/carers welcome.

Wednesday 20th November 24: Sapphire Trip to Stonehenge. (more details to follow)

Monday 25th November 24: Parents Evening (Times will be released in due course)

Wednesday 27th November 24: Sapphire Trip to Liberty Gymnastic as part of Frome Learning Partnership Sports (more details to follow)

Wednesday 27th November 24: Parents Evening (Times will be released in due course)

Friday 6th December 24: Christingle (in school, pupils and staff only)

Monday 16th December 24: 3pm - Nursery Christmas Carol Service

Tuesday 17th December 24: 1.30pm - EYFS/KS1 (Diamond/Amber) Christmas Play

Wednesday 18th December 24: Christmas Lunch (More details to follow)

Thursday 19th December 24: 1.30pm - KS2 (Sapphire/Topaz) Christmas Play

Friday 20th December 24: 1.30pm - Christmas Carol Service (location TBC)

Friday 20th December 24: End of Term 2

Monday 6th January 25: Start of Term 3