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Bath and Wells MAT

Diamond Class 

Teacher: Miss Louise Viner

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Ginny Roberts and Miss Jenny McCaffrey

Nursery & EYFS

 This term in Diamond Class


topic plan spring 2.pdf


diamond topic plan autumn 1 2024.pdf



The children have settled in fantastically and are busy building great relationships with staff and peers. We've been up to a lot, from exploring our new mud pit and kitchen, to saving dinosaurs frozen in ice. We've explored colour mixing, riding bikes and generally exploring our play-based environment.

We have been looking at creating sets and sorting objects by rules in maths. We have explored digging, being builders and listening to nature on a wet day whilst pretending to be on a bear hunt. The best part is everyone in our fantastic class is giving all the provision a go, being brave and building independence! 




Diamond Class have been exploring repeating patterns and continuing their topic on building.




In Diamond we have been exploring messy play potions, using bicarb and vinegar to create a bubbling reaction. Frog spawn (chia seeds) and blue snakes (spaghetti) worked a treat! One of our pupils decided to enjoy the rainy weather and go fishing in our closed off mud pit, why not? The Reception children have really impressed us with their maths skills- building three in many different ways.



In Little Diamonds we have started to make the decorations for our in-class Christmas workshop! Sugar plums really will be dancing over their heads!

We have been reading the story of Chapatti Moon in class, which follows the story of Mrs. Kapor as her chapatti rolls away on an adventure to eventually end up in the night sky as the moon. As we read we discovered foods that Mrs. Kapor had made that we hadn't heard of or tried before, such as samosas and chapattis. We immediately tried some!

The children thought the spices tickled their noses, and were surprised to find the hidden vegetables in the samosas.

As the weather has gotten colder we have explored ice play, such as frost painting with water colours, a nature walk to collect sticks ready to roast marshmallows, and using ice in our mud potion recipes.