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Bath and Wells MAT

Diamond Class 

Teacher: Miss Louise Viner

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Wendy Rollason

Reception and Year 1

 This term in Diamond Class

In the Autumn terms our Diamond class children have had fantastic opportunities for learning and quality play.  

They have learnt about the world around them through our outdoor provision area, as we watched the seasons change and how it affects us. We also visited a local museum to see how people and children in the past would have lived. The children very much enjoyed dressing up!  

We are keen readers and writers in our class, making the most of our reading and writing areas, as well as working so hard to read at home each week. 

We are currently working on our class nativity and are so excited to share our efforts with parents on the 12th December. 

More to follow!  



diamond topic plan autum 1.pdf


topic plan summer 1.pdf